Kym and Neil Sullivan
Kym and Neil Sullivan have a long history in agriculture in Southern Queensland. Neil grew up on the Darling Downs and his parents were grain farmers.
Kym and Neil farmed with conventional systems in their early married life, but after an ‘aha’ moment in the 90’s they moved into organic farming, began rehabilitating their soils and producing high quality crops without the use of synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fungicide, fumigants or GMO's.
Around this time, Kym and Neil also realised the need for high quality gluten-free grain options for their own family and the wider community. Since then the Sullivan’s have specialised in producing a range of gluten free crops including sorghum, mung beans, chickpeas, linseed, millet, buckwheat, fenugreek and cowpeas.

Kym and Neil have farmed on various properties in the Western Downs and Darling Downs regions, and five years ago they moved to a new property in the Linthorpe Valley, about 35km west of Toowoomba. Their current property is 183 acres on naturally mineral rich, decomposing basalt soils. The Sullivans also run a dedicated gluten-free processing and packing facility in nearby Millmerran.
Kym and Neil practice ‘biological farming’ which places high priority on soil health and diversity in soil biology, which increases the availability of soil nutrients to the crop.
They currently practice broad acre tillage cropping, but are aiming to transition to a ‘no till’ system in future which has the least disturbance of the soil structure. They practice crop rotation and grow multi-species cover crops in their paddocks during fallow periods, which protects the soil from erosion and moisture loss and continues to build soil structure and available nutrients for the next main crop.
Kym and Neil also belong to an important network of other organic and biodynamic producers in Australia, and truly ‘walk the talk’ of looking after both country and community in their lives. They provide valuable support within their network to achieve high quality, nourishing foods and healthy, living soils for their families and consumers for generations to come.
Kym and Neil want the community to know that “Organic is not just a label. We are caring for the soil and rebuilding the soil structure every time we plant a crop.”
Click here to see the full range of products we currently source from the Sullivans