Due to this product being of greater weight than is allowed by our courier company, it is available for Pick up only
Slater Farms (Brett & Karen Slater) is the home of “Rainfed Rice” and is grown and milled in Northern Rivers region of NSW, a certified biodynamic farm where crops are naturally rain irrigated, saving critical water resources.
This rain fed rice is a variety called Tachiminori, a Japanese 'upland' rice requires no irrigation, however it does enjoy the humidity, perfect for the Northern Rivers Region of NSW, which has an annual rainfall of 1000mm. With most of that falling between January and March.
To make use of the summer rains, the Slaters plant their rice in January with new harvest occurring in May.
This amazing white rice, polished on Farm, is a true multipurpose rice. For dishes that need to be a bit sticky, like sushi or risotto, just give it a quick rinse. For that extra fluffy rice, give it a good old rise, with three or four rinses not being excessive.
Certification: Demeter# 717
Product packed by the producer in poly bag.
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