These firm, crunchy, and fruity green kalamata olives were harvested a little earlier than Rosnay's usual Kalamatas. Still firm and fruity but with a little mild peppery taste at the back of the palate.
Grown on Rosnay using certified organic and biodynamic methods. Immediately after picking, they are immersed in water to prevent oxidation or blackening of the fruit, after which the leaves and damaged olives are removed by hand and washed, before being transferred to salt brine containing natural Murray River Salt from the Australian desert.
The olives cure through lacto-fermentation over 8 to 18 months before they are again hand graded them to remove all of the over-ripe olives, washed again, and immediately bottled with minimal oxidation, into a brine containing fresh Murray River salt and organic apple cider vinegar.
Certification: Southern Cross SX-21127
Product packed by the producer in glass.
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