Moorooka Midweek Member's Market

What is the Midweek Member's Market?

Every Wednesday evening the team at Sovereign Foods put on a buyers' group for our regulars. This involves preordering perishables that go along with their regular stock up of all things SovFoods.

How does it work?

Well, I am glad you asked.

Our special midweek market order portal is hosted on co-op software called Lettuceshare. The order window opens for the market at 5pm on Thursday and remains open until 8am Monday.

In this portal you will be able to preorder organic bread, dairy, fruit and veggies, meat, and eggs. Because we know what we are going to sell and there is no waste, we can offer these items at a greatly reduced mark up. Just enough to cover the time of the staff and a little bit to cover the rent. As a bit of a sweetener, we offer a bit of a discount on our goodies if you order through the midweek market portal on Lettuceshare.

Then all you do is turn up on Wednesday evening from 4pm and pick up your box that is already packed by our lovely staff and ready to go.

Are you still interested?

Should we get into the nitty-gritty?

Here's the Gist:

All items on the availability are sourced from Australian producers

All items are organic or biodynamic unless otherwise specified.

We do our best to source everything that you have ordered, however there may be times our suppliers and makers can't fill our orders. If this happens, we'll adjust your order sheet. For this reason, payment is upon pick up and not when you order.

You can come and get your pre-ordered goodies at the warehouse on Wednesday from 4pm until 7pm.

At 4pm, your order will be packed and ready to go. If you would like to purchase any extra fruit and vegetables or other items you can also do this when you come to pick up your order.

If you make an order on the system, please ensure you come and get it on the Wednesday night. This is the only fresh food group we do for the rest of the week, so we are unable to sell your pre-ordered goodies to someone else if you change your mind, and will need to charge you for these items.

There's no fee to join the member's market.

Members get 5% off stock in the retail space when they have an order in for the current date.  You can pre-order many of the things in the retail space if you know what you want, otherwise you are welcome to browse when you come to pick up your fresh fruit and veg.

Any questions, email us at or contact us via the contact form below

A week in the life of the Midweek Members' Market

Thursday 5pm

Order Portal Opens

Order portal opens on Lettuceshare. You will you will receive an email reminder

Sunday 2pm

We will shoot you another email reminder, with a bit of a counting clock

Monday 8am

Order portal Closes

We collate all the orders and send them off to our suppliers so they can get everything ready

Wednesday 4pm

Time to pick up your order

The SovFoods crew will have all your boxes ready for you to pick up.

If you don't need to grab anything else, you can even shoot a text to the warehouse phone and they will bring your box along with the eftpos machine and you can have your box put in the back of your car

Wednesday 7pm

Finished for the Week

All the boxes are out, the team clean up. And we are finished with the Midweek Market for another week.

Thursday 5pm

Starting all over again

Here we go again... Order portal opens, you receive an email to tell you as such, and we start the whole process all over again.

Have questions about the Midweek Members' Market?

Midweek Members' Market FAQs

On top of all our goodies, we get bread from Leavain Bakery and Sol Breads, Milk from Barambah Organic Dairy, Eggs from Echo Valley, Meat from Fair Game Wild Venison and Boss Meats, and Organic Fruit and Veg from a few local suppliers.

Nope. Just pay when you pick up your order. Due to the nature of perishable items, sometimes our suppliers can't supply everything we need. In these rare cases, we will need to adjust your order.

Plus, if you have forgotten to order something, we can just add any additional items to your order and you can pay in one hit.

Yes. Obviously, we won't take any thumbs, but it will create a bit of frustration in the warehouse.

If you haven't turned up by a certain time, the warehouse crew will send you a reminder.

This is the only time we do fresh produce, and we hate to see good food go to waste.

The Midweek Market is our way of ensuring that people have access to local organic food at an affordable price. This means that we do this at a greatly reduced markup, and any waste will mean we start losing money and therefore be unable to continue to do what we see as a valuable community service.

If you don't think you will make it, please give us plenty of warning so we can find other homes for your order.

If we can't, then we may need to charge your account.

Lettuceshare is software built for buyers' groups. It was built by a local Brisbane software developer, Malcolm Blaney, for local buyers' groups to allow them to take control of their own food system.

Mal's work has been invaluable in the local buyers' group scene (Mal even worked for SovFoods for a bit) and we like to support great things wherever we can.

Only if you want some perishables. If not, you can just pop in from 1pm on Wednesdays.

It is definitely worth ordering in advance as we even offer a little discount on our goodies if you do.

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