Casarosa Almonds

Casarosa Almonds Australia is a family-owned business dedicated to producing, marketing, selling and distributing premium quality farm fresh Almonds. Recently the Casarosa Almonds started selling under their brand name "The Almond Farmer"

The Casaretto family are second generation almond farmers. Dennis and Pam Casaretto began growing almonds on their property due to the love of the nut and its vast range of uses and health benefits. Before too long, they decided to farm almonds commercially and started a full time farming operation growing and packaging almonds for wholesale.

Over a decade later, their son Jarrad and his wife Jackie joined the family farming business. The Casaretto family has since purchased second property nearby with the vision to plant more trees and increase production.

The Casarosa Farms are located in the Riverland region of South Australia, on the iconic Murray River. We have the ideal climate in this region essential for high quality almond production. The Casaretto's properties are surrounded by untouched natural bushland and have an abundance of native Australian wildlife including kangaroos, goannas and echidnas.

Passionate about sustainable farming on their properties, the Casaretto Family look for ways to improve best practice irrigation efficiencies (to save & monitor water usage) and soil management practices (to reduce soil erosion). They grow cover crops to hold & protect soil from wind and water run-off and incorporate organic matter back into fields. They recently adopted dense tree planting technique has proven to reduce water and fertiliser per acre and increase yields.

Casarosa Almonds work to make efficient use of non-renewable resources, on-farm resources and integrates, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls. They are focused on environmental & native wildlife preservation, sustaining vibrant communities (by creating jobs for local people) and the protection of public health. Casarosa farms avoid hazardous pesticides, pathogens & toxins, growing Almonds that are safer & tastier.

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